Hey! this is my (Mackenzie) blog with videos and all sorts of other cool stuff on it! Have fun and please comment! You can vew all of my videos by clicking the "Video" link below.

Monday, May 31, 2010

important news!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok 2 things!one- it has been realized by my person, something that you all may not know. comments have been not appearing on my posts, and i believe that there may be some misunderstanding. therefor, i am bringing it to your attention that it does not cost money to comment. Thank you!
and two- When Cortney went in the garage a few days ago, we found a little..... surprise, left by my dear cat coon. this made me discover an unknown mathematical equation:


  1. This is a little scaring. I wish you could have a 'after the feast' picture of Coon. No wonder he's so fat.

  2. never seen a 2 legged rabbit befur, must be a northly critter
