Hey! this is my (Mackenzie) blog with videos and all sorts of other cool stuff on it! Have fun and please comment! You can vew all of my videos by clicking the "Video" link below.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

IT CAME!!!!!!

It came! my camcorder!
it came like a week earlier that it should have! me and Cort decided to see if it had a tracking thingy on the internet and it said that that estimated arrival date was today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i came! its really cool and takes awesome videos and pictures!
i will take pictures and stuff to post later, but i don't have time right now:(

1 comment:

  1. When!?!? When!?!?! When !@$#?!? WHEN!@?#!?#$ DO we hear results about the video contest or get to see the videeeeeoooooooooooooooooooSsSsSsSsSs!?!?!?
