Hey! this is my (Mackenzie) blog with videos and all sorts of other cool stuff on it! Have fun and please comment! You can vew all of my videos by clicking the "Video" link below.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Keep a look out for an awsome new video!

pretty soon i will post a great new video, one i like to call "The Great Protractor Feud" as you may have guessed, it is a western.... sort of. I will post it sometime this week!

" The town of....... (I don't think we actually gave it a name...) anyways, this town place is having a big race and the winner gets a fabulous prize, a protractor! yes, the simple gift of geometry... it kind of gets me all choked up.. [sob] OK, that was off topic, anyways, when Big Bad Burtha and Henry tie the race, no one gets the protractor! a feud breaks out between Big Bad Burtha, Henry, and their sidekicks."

Ya its a classic....

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for the official posting!!! I think I was one of the lucky ones to see the "premier" viewing!!!!
    Break a leg!
