Hey! this is my (Mackenzie) blog with videos and all sorts of other cool stuff on it! Have fun and please comment! You can vew all of my videos by clicking the "Video" link below.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hey blog reader people! ( i REALLY need to come up with a name for you........)
anyways! i just wanted to give you a heads up that the VERY FIRST ANIMATED MOVIE from rip productions is going to be coming really soon! like tomorrow!
i am SO excited! its going to be called (drum roll please) Emmit and ozzy!!! depending on how this one turns out, i would like to make it a series!!!!!!!!!
hears a pic of my beloved characters!


  1. They're adorable!!! Let's see... you could call us your faithful, beloved followers!! LOL

  2. O brother lets pick better names than you did for the hermits crabs

  3. I can't wait.... looked like quite the set up you had downstairs on MY drafting table! :)
