Hey! this is my (Mackenzie) blog with videos and all sorts of other cool stuff on it! Have fun and please comment! You can vew all of my videos by clicking the "Video" link below.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

State fair comming up!

OK, so I know I haven't posted every day this week like I said.... but oh well! I'm sure you survived!!!!!!!!
I am typing this post to tell you that the state fair is this Monday.. and that awesome video I made is going to be judged!!!!! Wish me luck!

I have been thinking of my lack of posts on this blog, and I think I may have came up with something to help that!!!!!! It is a really good idea that kinda just struck me while I was in the bookstore the other day! (well actually, someone told me the idea, but i like to make things my own! Ha Ha)
Anyways! I'm not going to tell you my idea, because you all need to figure some stuff out for yourselves!

Well, I'm going to go work on my super secret idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. good luck @ the fair! i hope you do really good! when are you planning to tell us this 'super secret idea'????

  2. Thanks!!!
    I will reveal my new idea next week!
    (kinda celebrating school starting!)
